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Homepage Forums Arcade Games Platform Documentation Getting started with the installation

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  • #5329

    Below are the steps for installing the script on your own server.

    1. Transfer the files from the www directory to your server using an FTP program like filezilla.

    2. Create a MySql database on your server, choose the MySql database name, user name and password and write down this information which will be useful for configuring your application…

    3. Open the URL and follow the instructions on the screen.

    4. When the installation is complete, go to: and log in using the following credentials.

    Password: password

    5. In the “Users” tab, immediately change the password of the default administrator account to secure your application.

    6. Completely delete the installation folder of your server to secure your application. This folder is accessible from the web, another person could redo the installation and access the backend.

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